Does your notary in Casablanca require a certificate of location? in 2024

Notary casablanca certificate of location

Notary in Casablanca and the certificate of location: In Morocco, the Casablanca real estate sector will undergo significant change in 2024 with the introduction of this essential document. Now a crucial element in real estate transactions, the certificate of location plays an important role in securing property purchases and sales. Faced with the increase in real estate transactions in this metropolis, notaries in Casablanca are already beginning to systematically request this certificate to ensure the transparency and legitimacy of land exchanges.

The growing demand for this certificate from notaries in Casablanca marks a turning point in the Moroccan real estate market. This document provides an additional guarantee for both sellers and buyers, attesting to the real and legal status of the property. By increasing confidence between parties, this practice contributes to the fluidity and efficiency of real estate transactions in one of the country's most dynamic cities.

"The Risks of Buying Real Estate without Due Diligence", by Dr Mohammed Jamal Maatouk

What is a Certificate of Location?

Certificate definition and components

The certificate of location is a document drawn up by a topographical surveyor registered with the Order of Topographical Engineers, detailing the legal and physical situation of a property. This document is essential, as it provides precise information such as the exact position of the property, its dimensions, any easements or restrictions, and its compliance with town planning regulations. It is indispensable for obtaining a global and precise vision of the property's current condition.

Role and usefulness in real estate

In the real estate sector, the certificate of location is crucial to the security of transactions. It provides detailed information on the property's major characteristics. This document is an important tool for preventing conflicts and disputes, as it clarifies all legal and technical aspects of the property. Its importance is particularly marked when selling or buying a property, ensuring that all parties have a complete and accurate understanding of what is being conveyed.

Demand from notaries in Casablanca

Why are notaries in Casablanca now asking for these certificates?

In Casablanca, the demand for certificates of location by notaries is part of a drive to increase the legal security of real estate transactions. As guarantors of the legality of land exchanges, notaries require these documents to ensure that properties comply with current regulations. This practice minimizes the risk of disputes and guarantees a transparent and fair transaction for all parties involved.

Implications for buyers and sellers

For buyers and sellers in Casablanca, this requirement has significant implications. For sellers, providing a certificate of location becomes an essential prerequisite for putting their property up for sale. For buyers, this document offers additional assurance as to the legitimacy and conformity of the property purchased. Although it may represent an additional cost and a delay in the sales process, obtaining this certificate is a guarantee of security and peace of mind for both parties.

Obtaining process and regulations

Steps to obtain a Certificate of Location in Casablanca

The process for obtaining a certificate of location in Morocco is relatively standard. Let's take the example of a property owner in Casablanca who wishes to sell his land. The first step is to contact a topographical surveyor registered with the "Ordre des Ingénieurs Géomètres Topographes". This engineer will carry out the necessary surveys and examine the land documents and town-planning plans relating to the property. Once this analysis is complete, he or she will draw up a certificate detailing all relevant information about the property.

Regulations and standards in force in Morocco

Although there are as yet no strict Moroccan national standards for certificates of location, practices in Casablanca are developing in line with international standards. Topographical surveyors ensure that certificates meet certain standards to ensure the transparency and legality of real estate transactions.

Topographer Casablanca

Essential appendices to a Certificate of Location

Topographic Plan

The topographical plan is a central element of the certificate of location. It includes the plot's transfer to the cadastral map and the layout plan. The plan must also show all features on and around the plot, such as power lines, pipes, tracks and roads.

Terminal Verification Certificate

This certificate confirms that the boundary markers have been correctly identified and, if necessary, verified. It is crucial to guarantee the integrity of the property's boundaries.

Cadastral map

The cadastral plan provides a graphic representation of the parcel in the land register. It is essential for verifying the accuracy of land information.

Capacity calculation

This is a precise calculation of the area of the property, with a table of coordinates. This information is important for verifying area, location and boundaries.

Certificate of ownership

The ownership certificate is the official proof of property ownership. It is essential for all real estate transactions.


The planning information note indicates the following for the landed property:

  • The nature of the planning document: zoning plan, development plan or rural community development plan;
  • the main provisions of the relevant planning document, in particular the definition of the zone's use, prohibited uses, types of use subject to special conditions, maximum occupancy and use of the land, conditions for the siting of buildings in relation to dividing or adjoining boundaries, the siting of several buildings on the same property, the maximum height of buildings and access conditions for roads and parking lots.
  • The period of validity of the planning information memorandum corresponds to the period during which the legal effects deriving from the declaration of public utility under the planning document in force.


In conclusion, given the growing demand from notaries in Casablanca for certificates of location, the importance of a reliable and competent partnership in the geospatial sector is more relevant than ever. Hexagon Geosurveys has positioned itself as a preferred partner for many notaries in Casablanca, offering first-rate geometry and topography services. Our expertise, attention to precision and reliability make Hexagon Geosurveys an essential ally in ensuring the security and transparency of your real estate transactions.

If you have any questions or requests for information, don't hesitate to email us at [email protected] or contact us directly via WhatsApp using the button at the bottom right of the screen.

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