Bathymetry in Morocco In 2024: 5 key factors for choosing the right service provider!

Bathymetry in Morocco in 2023: 5 key factors for choosing the right service provider!

Bathymetry. This term, tinged with technicality and immeasurable importance, evokes a constant quest for knowledge and understanding of our aquatic environments. In the heart of Morocco, a country where water resources are inextricably linked to daily life and the economy, bathymetry proves to be an indispensable tool.

In this context, how can professionals identify a bathymetric service provider that not only meets their needs but also transcends their expectations? What are the essential criteria to consider, and why is impeccable bathymetric accuracy vital, especially for structures such as harbors, dams, wadis and lakes?

In this article, we'll delve into the most technical and crucial aspects of bathymetry in Morocco, exploring in detail the 5 key elements to look out for when selecting a bathymetry provider. We'll also discuss the importance of dredging and inspection in the effective management of our water resources, and look at the specific deliverables that should be expected from these bathymetry experts.

You may be wondering what role experience and expertise play in this process? Or what types of equipment should be used to ensure optimal results? Stay with us, as this article is designed to answer these questions and more, offering an informed and in-depth perspective on choosing a bathymetric contractor in Morocco.

Our bathymetric survey services in Morocco

Bathymetry: what does it involve?

Definition and process

At the crossroads of science, technology and exploration, bathymetry is defined as the study and measurement of the depths of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. Its aim is to produce a topographical representation of the sea or river bed, comparable to a relief map for land areas. To achieve this, specialized instruments such as depth sounders are used to capture precise data on water depth at various points. This information is then processed and interpreted to produce detailed bathymetric maps.

Importance in Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco, with its vast coastal expanses, lakes, wadis and dams, places bathymetry at the heart of many of its concerns. It is essential for fields as varied as maritime navigation, hydrological planning and environmental studies. The maps resulting from these studies, for example, are invaluable tools for navigators, offering a clear view of potential obstacles lurking beneath the water surface.

Applications and challenges

In addition to navigation-related aspects, bathymetry in Morocco has many applications in sectors such as engineering and construction. Precise knowledge of the seabed and riverbeds is essential for large-scale projects such as the construction of dams, ports and other coastal infrastructures. With the growing challenges of climate change and water resource management, reliable bathymetric information enables us to anticipate and respond effectively to tomorrow's challenges.

Bathymetric survey process

The importance of bathymetry in dredging and inspection work

Ports: Dredging and inspection for safety and seaworthiness

Dredging in ports is essential to maintain the depths required for safe navigation. Due to the natural accumulation of sediments, harbors can be reduced in depth, posing risks to navigation, particularly for large ships. Prior to any dredging operation, a bathymetric survey is carried out to assess the volume of sediment to be removed. After dredging, a new survey ensures that depth targets are met. At the same time, regular inspections of port infrastructures guarantee their good condition and prevent any structural problems.

Dams: Dredging and inspections for optimum management

Dams, essential for water retention and power generation, are also susceptible to sediment build-up. This accumulation can compromise their storage capacity and, consequently, their efficiency. Prior to dredging, a bathymetric survey is carried out to calculate the amount of sediment to be removed. Following dredging, a post-dredging survey verifies that storage capacity has been restored. Regular inspections of the dams ensure their structural integrity, guaranteeing safe, long-lasting use.

Wadis and lakes: Anticipating risks and effectively managing resources

Wadis and lakes, which are crucial to the hydrological cycle, can also be threatened by sediment build-up, leading to flood risks. Dredging work, preceded and followed by bathymetric surveys, is then necessary to guarantee the smooth flow of water. These surveys make it possible to plan dredging accurately and then ensure its effectiveness. Regular inspections of wadis and lakes also contribute to proactive water resource management, by monitoring the health of aquatic ecosystems and anticipating water management needs.

Dredging: how does it work?

Single-beam vs. multi-beam sounders: Understanding their respective strengths

Single-beam and multibeam echo sounders both play a crucial role in bathymetry, although they have distinct characteristics and advantages.

Single-beam probes: efficiency in simplicity

Single-beam echosounders emit a single sound beam directly beneath the vessel to measure depth at a precise point.

  • Benefits:
    • Robustness and reliability: Single-beam sounders have a less complex design, which often makes them more robust and reliable in a variety of conditions.
    • Ideal for spot measurements: They are ideal for obtaining precise measurements at specific points, which is useful for targeted studies or spot checks.
    • Excellent deep-water performance: These echo sounders excel at measuring very deep water, often more efficiently than multibeam echo sounders.
    • Economical: Their simplicity often translates into lower costs, making them accessible for small projects or limited budgets.
    • Examples of use: They are often used for dam monitoring, where regular measurements at fixed locations are required, or for targeted geological studies where the depth of specific structures needs to be determined. Another example would be monitoring sedimentation in specific wadis or canals to anticipate dredging requirements.

Multibeam probes: Complete mapping

Multibeam echosounders, on the other hand, map a wider area of the seabed by transmitting several beams simultaneously.

  • Benefits:
    • Detailed mapping: These echo sounders provide a complete and detailed image of the seabed, making fine structures and features visible.
    • Speed: The ability to map large swathes of the seabed in a single pass saves time when surveying large areas.
    • Additional data: These can provide information on hardness, texture and other background characteristics.

While recognizing the powerful capabilities of multibeam echosounders, it is essential not to underestimate the value of single-beam echosounders. The latter, thanks to their simplicity, reliability and accuracy at targeted points, continue to be an invaluable tool in many bathymetry projects.

Example of raw data from a multibeam bathymetric survey

The quality of a bathymetric contractor's deliverables

The quality of bathymetric surveys is crucial to the safety and efficiency of marine operations. To guarantee data reliability, it is essential to implement a quality assurance process for deliverables. Here's how you, as the client, can ensure the quality of the deliverables supplied by the service provider:

Bathymetric survey technical file

This file must include a detailed technical report, specific data sheets, execution reports (PVs), an equipment calibration report, and the results of raw data processing. 2D and 3D bathymetric plans, as well as plans of profiles, embankments and cuttings, must be clear, clean and legible.

Signature and authentication

All documents must be signed and sealed, either physically or digitally, by anONIGT-registered surveyor. This step guarantees that deliverables have been supervised and validated by a qualified professional.

IT Support and Digital Data

The service provider must provide you with a data medium containing the edited digital data. It is essential that this data is complete, correct and presented in usable formats. The use of universally recognized standards and formats (such as DWG, PDF, SHP, etc.) facilitates interoperability and subsequent use of the data.

Review and Validation

Once you've received the deliverables, you'll need to carry out a thorough review. This includes examining data, verifying calibrations, analyzing technical reports, and ensuring that plans conform to established standards. If you have difficulty understanding or validating the deliverables, we can act as a third party to assist you in validating the results.

Feedback and Corrections

In the event of observations or remarks, you must inform the service provider so that the necessary corrections can be made. The review, feedback and revision process ensures that the final deliverables are of the highest quality.

By implementing these steps, you can ensure the quality, reliability and accuracy of bathymetric deliverables, guaranteeing safe and efficient operations at sea.

Our bathymetry services

The crucial importance of local experience in Morocco

When it comes to bathymetry, experience is more than just an indicator of competence; it's a guarantee of reliability, in-depth knowledge of the challenges of the job, and the ability to navigate in a complex, constantly changing environment. Here's why experience is particularly important in this sector:

Adapting to the local climate

  • Variable conditions: Weather and oceanographic conditions in Morocco, as in many other countries, can vary considerably and influence the quality of bathymetric data collected. Only a service provider with significant local experience can anticipate and adapt to these variations to guarantee accurate measurements.
  • Field experience: An intimate knowledge of local waters, whether on the Atlantic coast, the Mediterranean or inland lakes, is essential to anticipate the specific challenges of each region.

Understanding regulations

  • Administrative complexity: Morocco, like many other countries, has detailed regulations concerning bathymetry. An experienced service provider will already be familiar with these regulations, and will be able to ensure that all measurements comply with local standards.
  • Liaison with the authorities: Extensive experience in the sector also enables us to build strong relationships with local authorities, facilitating the necessary authorizations and data validation.

Commitment to HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) standards

  • Specific risks: Bathymetric operations involve many risks, from the handling of heavy equipment to navigation at sea and environmental challenges. A service provider with many years' experience will have developed strict protocols to minimize these risks.
  • Ongoing training: An experienced company ensures that its staff are regularly trained to the latest HSE standards, guaranteeing the safety of its teams, environmental protection and customer satisfaction.
  • Contingency planning: In the event of a problem or accident, an experienced service provider will have the knowledge and resources to respond quickly and effectively, minimizing disruption and risk.

In conclusion, while technology and equipment play a crucial role in bathymetry, it's the experience of the service provider that ensures that these tools are used to optimum effect. By choosing a partner with solid experience of the Moroccan market, you can be sure not only of obtaining accurate data, but also that the work will be carried out safely, with respect for the environment and in compliance with local regulations.

Safety first, on every mission

Cost vs. Value in Bathymetry in Morocco

When requesting a quote

Before requesting a quotation for bathymetric work, it's essential to clearly articulate your requirements. By providing a detailed description of your expectations, you help the service provider to understand exactly what you're looking for, thus avoiding the additional costs associated with subsequent modifications.

It is equally essential to specify the deliverables you expect, and in what format. If you're dealing with sensitive data, a confidentiality clause is recommended to guarantee the security and confidentiality of this information.

The determination of payment terms, in terms of amounts and timing, is also an aspect not to be overlooked when requesting a quotation. It can influence the overall cost of the service. A wise practice would be to obtain several quotes to get a better idea of the market and make an informed decision.

What should I look out for when receiving quotes?

When receiving quotations for bathymetric work, it is essential to pay attention to the precision with which all services are detailed. You need to make sure that the quote covers all stages of the study, the methods employed and the deliverables expected.

An important part of the review is to identify potential costs that are not explicitly mentioned. These include travel expenses, costs related to the equipment used, or other charges that might be added. The nature of the equipment, for example, the use of single-beam or multi-beam technologies, can have an impact on the total cost.

To ensure that the work meets national standards, it is crucial to check that the service provider complies with regulations, such as being registered with theONIGT.

Contact us now for all your bathymetry needs


Selecting a service provider for bathymetric work is no mean feat. From the need for experience in an environment where climate, complex regulations and HSE imperatives play a crucial role, to the importance of understanding the deliverables in detail and being able to guarantee their quality, every step is essential to ensure the success of the project.

What's more, beyond the simple question of cost, it's vital to understand the real value of what you're paying for. Asking the right questions when you receive quotes, and specifying your needs precisely from the outset, are fundamental steps in avoiding unpleasant surprises and ensuring that your investment pays off.

This is where Hexagon Geosurveys comes into its own as a partner of choice. With our expertise in topography and bathymetry, we can guide you, advise you and offer you tailor-made solutions for your projects. Don't hesitate to contact us to find out more and benefit from a fruitful collaboration.

If you're captivated by the nuances and depths of bathymetry, and recognize the need for cutting-edge expertise for your projects, whether coastal, harbor, or subsea infrastructure, don't hesitate. At Hexagon Geosurveys, we're at the cutting edge of technology and methodology in this specialized sector. From seabed mapping to detailed analysis of underwater structures, we are your guarantee of accurate data and optimal intervention.

To dive into bathymetry excellence, combining precision, speed and cost-effectiveness, contact us. Let us be your compass as you explore the fascinating underwater world.

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